In class this week we had to create a Linkedin account and follow professional groups in our majors. I was able to get 1 Forensic group if any can help me expand my search or know of any similar groups please feel free to add me Stephanie S. Thanks for the help in advance!!
The most exciting thing that happened to me on Twitter this week was on the forensic accounts I follow retweeted me! This is coming from a person who despised Twitter and slowly but surely I am starting to appreciate it.
In this weeks reading of chapter 3: Presentation Tools, it goes through all your options besides PowerPoint which many of us still use. Slide share is a tool used by educators and it allows you to upload your presentations and share them with educators around the world how awesome is that. With slide share you can add audio, upload mp3 files, you can even embed YouTube directly inside your presentation. Poll everywhere is one of the simple ways to have students answer open ended or multiple choice by text message. The teacher can opt to have students respond by Twitter, web devices on, and by private link as well. Voice thread is basically a site you share photos and videos online and are able to comment on them. Last but not least is Prezi is not your typical powerpoint presentation, it glides through your content. The video I added will give you a better explanation of how Prezi's work, Enjoy!
This week in class we were able to have a Google Hangout video chat with Adam Taylor. He is a high school science teacher in Tennessee, his first passion is science his second is technology. In 2009 Adam was introduced to Twitter and got his students involved, in 2010 he found scientists and in 2011 he had his st online chat with a scientist and started to set up groups for a monthly chat. He calls it #scistuchat which over 150 countries have participated in this event. Adam was able to connect with the US Department of Energy in September of 2015 and his students were able to chat with them as well. Something very important he mentioned about getting out there on Twitter, "its not about the followers its about the connections you make."
I chose to watch a video about Neil Pasricha: The 3 A's of Awesome, he created a website called 1000awesomethings to remind of the simple pleasures in life. He went on to win a Webby award for best blog, he had thing like wearing underwear straight from the dryer. He went on to have a book published called The book of Awesome, the 3 A's stand for attitude, awareness, and authenticity. Attitude is about keeping it positive no more matter how painful the choices you have to make are. Awareness is about embracing your inner 3 year old, like the first time you drive you get a string of green lights or the smell of fresh baked goodies. Its about the excitement you feel just as a child would seeing animals at the zoo for the first time. Authenticity is about being you and being cool with it and always following your heart.
I had never used a Prezi before but every time someone in one of my classes does I get dizzy! A lot of them are really cool but they definitely need to work on their seasick factor! Great blog!