Tuesday, April 5, 2016

So much work so little time

    I was unable to get to class this week but I was able to get a hold of my Professor for a quick catch up session. In class we are closing in on our final weeks which means our final PLN project is coming due. So we went over some of the sites that we can use to bring our final project to life. The site that I thought was really cool was Weebly you can choose from different layouts to it being a blog, business use, and much much more. Wix is the same concept since these websites are for building your own site. It is pretty simple and easy dragging and dropping till everything is the way you like. Google webdesigner is pretty easy to use as well the only thing for us Stockton students we would lose it once we graduate since it hooks up to your gmail.

     Weebly for educators, this article went over how weebly can be used in your classroom. You can post assignments, import pictures and videos, and even create student digital portfolios. Just sign up at the address provided http://education.weebly.com/, create your website name, you can start to design your layout, and add your pages like math or reading.  You can finally publish it using the orange button, and can easily go back and fix anything you need.  You can check out your students forms using the more button, you can also create a blog by clicking on pages.


        Web design tips for Wix first and fore most browse the internet for a bit collecting  your favorite web designs.  Second use accent colors, make what important tabs pop with strong bold colors that stand out and help the visitor navigate smoothly. Third: don't use too many fonts on one page this can easily distract your reader and remove the attention from your products. Fourth: less is always more keeping it simple and to the point will benefit greatly too much fluff will make it less attractive. Fifth: symmetry is very very important when designing your website. Having too many ideas can confuse and distract your readers and that is not something you want. Sixth: using a background that compliments your website not something that takes away from your site it is the keystone of your site. Seventh: usability is very important you need to make sure that it is easy for users to navigate you can't assume everyone can get through every website. Eight: make sure you always a create deadlines to keep you on time and help you manage your work. 

      About me I used this app for an assignment and it was so simple, quick, very easy to navigate, and it was efficient. It starts off with your biography basically answer who you are just do not go over board and give the reader too much information. What you can do for the reader, see yourself as the reader and they click because they relate you. Always put your contact information so your readers can easily get in touch with you and adding your social media links is highly recommended.  Adding a photo is critical you should choose one that goes with your personality (like professional, funny, or looking good).  Highlight your best posts and the most popular ones as well it is an easy way to get traffic on your page. When this is all done create an indented google listing this will be sure to get you viewers on your page. 

     Chapter 4 in Untangling the Web is all about social networking tools, to help students create their online identities. Todaysmeet is a site that allows teachers to create communication boards that can be private or public that are used for discussing and documenting classroom interactions. Skype of course is one the more popular sites that we have all used even if we did not use it for education. Skype in the classroom is designed to help teachers find other educators and experts willing to share and allow you to volunteer to do the same in their classrooms. Kidblog is pretty obvious it is just blogging for kids allowing them to have a safe and secure site just for kids.  Edmodo lets you broadcast messages to your entire class, individuals, and groups. Teachers can us this site to create quizzes and polls  and students can respond by the site or online. And than there is Twitter which we use in our class to share our blogs, articles, and make connections.


1 comment:

  1. About Me is a very cool app that I had heard nothing about coming into this class. It's simple yet still has the power to inform people exactly what they need to know about you.

    Very nice write up.
